First I should mention that Drew PASSED the BAR!!!! Next week he gets sworn in and will be an official lawyer! YAY!
This year we went with the Powells. The way down was uneventful but the way back was another story. As we were hiking back up I pulled my camera out to take a picture. As I turned I somehow tripped and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I had Gray in the bjorn, luckily I had caught myself and Gray missed the ground by inches. The camera did hit the ground but as far as we can tell I'm the only one that got hurt. My knees and shins were cut up and my foot killed. I managed to hike the rest of the way out. Really, it was pretty embarrassing to trip but it hurt so bad I didn't care. Yesterday I laid around icing my swollen foot and kept the pills coming but yeah its still pretty painful. So for now I'm totally living it up. Drew is waiting on me hand and foot. It's pretty great:)
PS... Conference weekend is the best! All week I was looking forward to hearing the Prophet and Apostles speak to us. I think with the way the economy is going and all the uncertainty around us, I was really wanting to hear from a prophet of the Lord. It was great. The talks on Faith and hope, unity and charity were exactly what I needed to hear. It reminded me what was important in life. Plus just hearing the announcement of 5 new temples adds to my testimony of this ever growing church. A temple in Rome! I teared up. What a blessing for those Italian saints to have a temple!