Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I flew in Saturday to more snow but the roads looked good but church was still canceled Sunday. The kids each taught a lesson. Annie told the story of Jesus and used the felt board. G taught a lesson on tithing. Mac taught about how we can be the Lord's hands by doing service. 

Annie's drawings. 
Never put a baby above your head right after you feed them! 

Poor drew, swollen knee 

Surprise! Happy 29th to Nat!!!

While my parents were visits back in January my mom made a comment "how fun would it be to surprise Nat for her birthday" right then we looked up flight from Cincinnati, Houston and Provo. The tickets were super cheap- 60$ one way for direct flights. That night we called rio and Taylor and bought the tickets. 

Leaving snowy Lexington 
I flew out Wednesday den. 28 right in the middle of the massive snow storms. I felt bad leaving drew with the three older kids, snowed in but man it felt good to get away!!! 
Scotty picked me up (Scott now lives with Nat while he goes to ASU getting a masters in sports law) since I was the first to arrive. Got the yummiest Mexican food, and walked around the messa temple. 7o degree weather- amazing!!!! 
Then we picked up mom, Taylor, and Roo and went back to nat's place and waited for her to come back from her run. Scotty was sitting at the table with Walt while we were around the corner. Nat came in and asked whose baby are you holding, looked around the corner and started freaking out. We had pulled off the surprise!!! 

Pool time, eating out, hiking and shopping! 

It was so fun doing a girls (and Scotty) trip.  I didn't realize how much I needed a break from real life and snow until I got AZ. 

A week of snow days (no school)

We woke up to a foot of snow!!! (Feb,16) and it not stop snowing. Luckily we were prepared with sleds and snow gear... Drew was able to stay home with us and work all of the days because the roads  were so bad. Lexington doesn't have the equipment or the  man power to clear this much snow at one time.  

The second day the Edwards picked us up in their truck, took us sledding at veterans park and then pulled us around in a parking lot. 

It was freezing outside but an absolute blast!! 

The plows come out on day three but more snow came that night.