I love my boys and they really do love each other too. Yes they fight. Yes they bug each other but even at such a young age I'm beginning to see the love they have for one another.
Mac is so funny lately. He talks a lot and has a way of getting what he wants. Like when we put him to bed we turn on his night light but lately it hasn't been enough so he says "Mom my dinosaurs don't like the dark." How can you say no to that? He refers to Gray as G-gers. He loves Gray and tries to make him happy for the most part. The other day G was having a tough time and Mac kept getting him Elmo and saying"Gg be happy it's Elmo."
Mac is l0ving Preschool and truth be told, so am I. I love the time with just G. It's much needed for both of us. Mac's teacher writes great comments ahout Mac's behavior like, "Very social, easy to get along with, goes with the flow, loves to sing and dance, shares well, happy guy." What more could a mom ask for? He can be a little bug for me but I'm glad that he's good for others.Gray aka mister Destruction is walking, no running all the time. He's either climbing or running to climb on something or destroying everything. He really is a mess. He has a new scratch or bruise every day. It's bad, but luckily his baby skin has proven to heal fast. He's talking more... Elmo is still his favorite word but has started saying please and Uh oh. He thinks he's having conversations with everyone. He jabbers to about anyone about who knows what. Last night him and Mac took turns yelling at each other, you would have thought they were carrying on a real conversation. Maybe they were. I love little Gray and he really is a good boy. Very rarely cries and sleeps like a champ. He loves his dad and gets easily scared when I yell "Daddy's home" he runs to me and whimpers but when he sees Drew he yells "DADA." and jumps into Drew's arms. Drew loves having both boys hanging on him.
I love my boys!
Friday, October 2, 2009
My boys
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3:58 PM
Fire Station
I'm totally in a rut. I have no desire to take pictures and when I do, they are pretty bad. I could blame it on my camera which has been acting up but really it's me and my lack of creativity. So here's the only pictures I have taken in the last couple of weeks.Last week our play group met at the fire station. The guys were so nice to let 30+ kids and their moms come into their "home."
The kids were mesmerized...
The group shot...Mac's new smiley face. It's a little scary.
The guys were great to take the ladder up and swing it around. They also took us inside their living quarters which the kids destroyed.
The tour was great but these boys were more interested in running around and watching magic tricks.
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3:06 PM