Friday, October 26, 2012

September according to my iPhone

Playing catch up. I think the rest of September can be summed up with soccer, t-ball and the good old outdoors. We spent every Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning cheering gray on the soccer the field. He loved soccer and had an amazing coach- Angela Bylund. Mac played t- ball and he had 2 games a week. He learned to love t-ball and now he misses it:) Annie was a trooper being pushed and pulled to all the sporting events. For the most part she was a good sport about it. Though she's getting good at escaping from me- she's very sneaky. I mentioned before that we eat lunch with Mac often. We usually walk to the school and then eat with his friends. Macy has a huge crush on Mac and Mac loves the attention. Everything Mac likes, Macy likes, her mom told me she's demanding to be a super hero cause Mac loves super Heroes:) 

Sorry the pictures are all out of order but it's too much work to redo...

September was good to us!


Annie locked herself in my car with both of my keys (my fault). She had the time of her life, eating gum, eating lip gloss and playing with her brother's shoes. While I sat and watched her destroy the car. Drew came home over an hour later to let her free. By the end she was crying "Stuck!" It was a long hour!
Gray and his love, Lily

Grandma Rita sent a package with lots of packing peanuts. The kids had a blast with them! The y even loved using the shop-vac to clean it up!