We have had the warmest winter ever! Most days in the 40's and we've had a couple of days in the 60's. In fact one of those days was Friday, you know the day we were stuck inside preparing ourselves for the tornadoes . Fortunately, Lexington wasn't hit but tornadoes caused major damage an hour south, East and north of us. It's been quite the weekend for poor Kentucky.
We woke up Monday to 4 inches of snow and it was a beautiful, peaceful sight. Annie was super thoughtful and woke me up at 5:00am. We spent the morning watching the snow fall and baking bread and when I took Annie outside, she just giggled. Who doesn't love snow?!The snow was dry and perfect packing snow- which never happens here! We built "COCO" the snowman and his cat. After an hour the boys were ready to come in...
The snow is quickly melting and it should be back in the 60's by tomorrow!
8 years ago