Thursday, June 21, 2007

We made it

We made it to Spain and it wasn't easy. We flew to Cincinnati where our flight was delayed and therefore we would not make it to our connecting flight in JFK where we were suppose to meet my family and all fly togther to Rome. Drew was amazing he rearranged our flight plans so we could make it to Malaga around the same time my family would arrive. To make a long story short after A LOT of running and talking to multiple Delta reps at every layover (Amsterdam and Madrid) we made it to Malaga. My parents were suppose to be at the airport to take us to our hotel but they weren't. Six hours later their flight came in. They had missed their flight in Rome and got on the next flight to Malaga. We were finally together. The only problem was the airline lost all our luggage. It made things interesting the first two days. Luckily me and my mom and sister wear the same size and my mom just so happened to bring Mac some clothes.

Mac did amazing. Everyone on the plane commented on how good he was. On the flight it had bassinets in the bulk head (life saver). Mac slept five hours during the long 9 hour flight to Amsterdam.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby! And how lucky to have a cradle Mac could sleep in on the flight! We miss you guys!

Emilie said...

What a good boy! You must have been so relieved that he did so well. Sounds stressful though. Have a great trip! I am way jealous.