Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Whenever we sit on the couch Mac launches himself at Drew and pulls himself up. He grabs on so hard it hurts. I have claw marks on my arm from when he did it to me.

Mac's new favorite toy is Gerry the Giraffe. When he gets frustrated he attacks Gerry and bites him. For some reason that really calms him down. It's hilarious. Thanks Sammy, it's been the best gift.

We finally got a high chair. I don't know what we did without one. Mac loves it. Whenever we put him in it, he pounds on it and giggles.


Marissa said...

He really is such a cutie!! He seems so gentle though!!

Karrissa Winward said...

seriously, no matter how often you clip their nails it still hurts when they claw into you! So cute though!

luke & sammy said...

So I am glad that he likes my gift the best! Jack is super excited to see Mac next week!

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

Mac is getting so big. He is so cute. Such a good mix of you and Drew. I can see a lot of your brothers in him too!