Saturday, February 27, 2010

a New Love!

After many, many hours of blogging and many, many more hours of editing; my May 2008-09 blog book is done and in my hands!!! and I Love all 221 pages of it!
Now I have 2 months before I start on the next book! oh the work but it's so worth it!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Weekend

Drew and I have never celebrated Valentine's Day. I really don't like the holiday, maybe it's because in 3rd grade my then boyfriend Chris C. embarrassed me in front of all my friends by giving me chocolates or was it all the countless Valentine's Day stressing about it whether I did or didn't have a boyfriend. Luckily, Drew feels the same way. So when we were planning our wedding we purposely put it 2 days before Valentine's Day so we would never have to celebrate it again. Just kidding, we just wanted a 3 day weekend and Drew really likes Abe Lincoln.

Five years ago on a very snowy wet day I became Mrs. Drew Millar.
Friday night we went out to dinner and as always Drew humored me, by answering all my questions like, "favorite memory of our wedding Day." or "Favorite moment of the past five years?" The love sappy questions that he usually gets annoyed with any other day except for our anniversary. As he answered them I couldn't help but think 1, how little I knew Drew when we got married and how much our love has grown over the years and 2, how grateful I am to have been able to share so many amazing moments with him.
The past five + years have been pretty great, can't wait to see what the next five bring! Love you Drew!
Friday we went to a play group at the church. Mac had been looking forward to this all week and it didn't' disappoint. We decorated Valentine bags, made and passed out valentines, decorated cookies, and played games.

Ike sat and took pictures of Mac eating his cookie, a little creepy:)

cute little Lily
G after his cookie
The boys chased and threw bean bags at each other.
Nothing like spending the morning with 38 kids and their moms!

We got more snow yesterday, so this is what we did...

somebody Loves Elmo!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowy Days...

This is what we've done during the most miserable month of the year!

We played in the snow...
After what seemed like hours of preparing the boys to go outside, they took one step in the snow and cried to go back inside!
How did Drew fix it? by throwing snowballs at the boys.

and they loved it!

Then I took the boys inside...
where Mac drank hot chocolate and G ate marshmallows.
Mac told jokes about poop and Gray laughed and laughed.
It was a great morning!
When we weren't outside (which was most of the time). We hit the library sometimes twice in a week. I'm pretty sure we've rented all their books about dinosaurs.
We let the boys play in rooms that they're usually not allowed in, and wear less clothes than normal.

Finished the guestroom/Annie's room (2 months ago:) during a different cold month.
And most recently Gray got surgery. Gray has had a clogged tear duct since he was born. We hoped that it would fix itself but it didn't, it only got worse. Finally we made the decision to do a tear duct probe. It was a simple procedure, he would only have to be "out" for half an hour. Everyone told me horror stories of their little ones coming out of anesthesia so we prepared for the worst. He woke up cried for a couple of minutes, went back to sleep and when he woke up the last time he just wanted to cuddle with Drew. The doctor told me to plan on Gray being sick and lethargic the rest of the day and honestly I was kind of looking forward to him just laying around with me. But to our surprise he was running around, wrestling with Mac as soon as we got home. We are blessed that Gray is such a happy guy!

Now we are looking forward to warmer, sunnier, longer days!