Friday, June 18, 2010

Not Fun

The good news is, I finally found out what was causing me so much pain. Last week I went to the doctor to figure out what was going on. Me and the doctor were pretty sure it was a UTI but the test said otherwise. They came up clear every time. Frustrated, she put me on medication for a UTI and said that this should help and we'll send the urine sample for more tests. Well, Wednesday I got the letter saying, no bacteria was found but keep taking your medicine. Frustrated I called Drew, "What if it's all mental, and I'm making up all the pain." After Drew assured me that everything would be ok, I hung up the phone and went on with my day. Well, an hour later, while painfully going to the bathroom the stone emerged!!! I was shocked to see how big it was and just plain happy that the pain was gone and that the mystery was over!


Jen Rutter said...

holy cow! That thing is huge-I am so happy your are feeling better. It's hard to chase 2 little boys around when you are not feeling well.

Amber said...

Oh my word!!! I can't believe that. I'm glad it passed and that the pain is gone. That's just crazy!

Lora said...

Oh Ashlee! I feel so bad for you.

Angela said...

Holy moly! I can honestly say I've never seen a kidney stone until now. I can only imagine how painful that must have been! Glad you are better now!

luke & sammy said...

oh my- that is huge! Luke can feel your pain!

Karrissa Winward said...

Wow Ash, that had to of hurt!! I am so sorry!

KevDebKlan said...

Uhhh....Disgusting. Thanks for sharing. Just kidding. Glad your feeling better. That thing was huge!!

angela said...

You weren't kidding! I can't believe it was that big. So glad you are feeling more yourself. Good thinking to take a picture!!! :-)

Marissa said...

Ouch! U hear those are as painful as childbirth to pass! True? So glad you are better!