Wednesday, August 25, 2010


For the McAllister Family vacation this year we went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It was a great week filled with many adventures and many laughs.

Adventure #1... Trying to find the church Sunday morning...

...Got lost drove around for an hour and hit the beach where we tried to remember it was Sunday and not get too wet:)
Mac loves Jackie Boy

Adventure #2... Boogy boarding

Mac was a natural!

Adventure #3... The Zoo
This zoo was crazy with no rules. We were able to feed all the animals (bears included). There was touching and grabbing from the animals and Mac told me "A bear tried to slam uncle Dave but Dave punched the bear away." Not totally true, there was no punching involved. The whole time I was thinking of escape plans just in case one of the tigers got out.
A baby wolf

Adventure #4 Old town Puerto Vallarta

Adventure #5 Zip lining through the Rain Forest

soaring up to 600 feet above the ground
Me and Mom stayed back to watch the kids but only heard great things about this adventure!

Adventure #6.. Boat tour
We went through caves, snorkeled in remote places and stopped in little villages that you can only get to by boat.Gray playing with a star fish. Come to find out they are pretty resilient.
Because of all the rain, the water was not the best for snorkeling but it was great to get out of the boat and swim and I might have thrown up a couple of times. Boat + sketchy Mexican food = throw up!

Mac trying out snorkeling

Adventure #7 relaxation
The resort we stayed at had an amazing pool with 2 alligator slides.

G cheering for Mac
Our little Mermaid! Dave's a great uncle.

The week went by way too fast. Thanks for the great memories, I love my family!


Rita said...

What a great trip! I'm glad you had so much fun. The pictures are awesome, especially the one of Drew getting ready to snorkel... The boys are getting so big, get ready for a visit from Grandma Rita!

KevDebKlan said...

We want a visit from Grandma Rita!!!! Trip looks great. So jealous. We really need to do one together.

Anonymous said...

OOOOOO, That does look so fun. Always nice to get away. Mac is amazing on that boogie board!

Rach, Mike, Allie and Hadley said...

When did David turn into a beast? He is huge, I guess I haven't seen him in a while. Congrats on the little girl too!

Roo said...

You do such a great job posting about trips. Love the list of adventures.

Skye said...

The McAllister Family always knows how to travel! what a good lookin group!! so much fun.... you look great can't even tell your prego.. what is your secret??? Congrats on a baby girl that is so exciting those she will be one lucky girl to have Mac and G around! Congrats!

Ashlee said...

What a fun family trip!
I am a little behind on the news and just saw that you are going to have a GIRL! Hooray :)I hope you don't mind if I come over and do her hair the next time I am in KY so that I can get my fix-:)