Thursday, May 19, 2011


Sunday was Mac's preschool graduation- even though he's going back to preschool next year. The kids performed a couple of songs and Mac's little class signed the pledge of the allegiance. He was so proud of himself!

Mac's cheering section- spit up and all!Gray is potty trained!!!
This week I found out a lot about Gray. He is very motivated by sticker charts, he can sit on a little toilet for 3 hours without standing up once and even if he is sitting on the toilet he can pee his pants! Not only did he potty train like a champ he no longer takes a binky at bed time! It was a big week for our G-man!Since we were potty training this week and stuck inside, I sewed a lot! I recovered my seat cushions and sewed 6 pillows. For 35$ I changed the look of my family room and made it a lot more interesting! Love a good project!


Aunt Amy said...

Way to go, Mac and Gray!! Can't wait to see them again.

Lora said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the chair! Awesome job Ashlee! YAY Gray and great job Mac! Yay Millars!

Angela said...

Wow! You've been busy! Way to go Grey and the chair looks great!

Rita said...

I'm so proud of Gray, what a big boy. And Mac, we'll look forward to a personal rendition of the Pledge. Ash, look at you go on the sewing - you won't even need me anymore!

Roo said...

I can't believe she sleeps 10 hours!!! Lucky. Way to go G! and great sewing projects!!