Sunday, August 12, 2012

Utah part 1

 We went to Utah over a month ago. It was a great trip. Fast, busy, full! I didn't take a camera so here's the pictures from my phone of the events we did with my family...
 My parents took the boys to 2 movies. My boys love movies but we rarely take them, too cheap and too lazy to chase Annie around the theaters.

 I hiked Timpanogos with Nat. It was amazing! I haven't hiked it since before I was married. The weather was perfect- on the cool side, scenery was breath taking, and the company was pretty great too. I'm not sure I can live too much longer without mountains around me...

 Drew turned 30 while we were there. My mom woke up early to get him his favorite doughnuts- best MIL award. Words can not express how much I love Drew, Happy birthday Drewby!
 Miss Snuggles with Nat and her amazing hair:)
 We had to shop at city creek. Annie had to have a bag at all times and don't even think of helping her with it!

I visited my grandma's grave. Memories came flooding back of my grandma taking me up there to decorate her parents graves.

So there you have it. Not one picture of my parents or Scott, I'm horrible! Next time I'll do better.


Rita said...

Loved the photos! I am quite sure you can't live without the mountains much longer either...