I don't know if it was the city, the food or the fact we were without our kids for the first time but our trip to Boston over the weekend was magical!
Drew came home a couple of weeks ago and announced he was going to Boston for work, I immediately said, "I'm coming with you!" Drew's sister graciously came with her 3 kids and watched ours so we could have this time together- more on that later.
We enjoyed our early morning walks through the city and seeing amazing historical sites. This was Drew's first time in Boston and being a history major could not get enough of the sites- neither could I. Thanks to the rainy weather the city was empty! At meal times we parked ourselves in the upper north end - little Italy and ate the most amazing food.
It's amazing what you can do when you're not carting kids around. Saturday we did the whole Freedom Trail and saw all the sites, went and saw Fenway, shopped in Backbay, took a nap and took a train to Cambridge and walked around Harvard. All the while stopping for fun snacks and meals. Our calves and feet were killing us the next day!
Sunday we walked around the financial district and saw the site and boat where the Tea Party took place. Then we rented a car and drove up the coast to Maine; stopping in Salem, MA and Portsmouth, NH. Then headed over to Ry and Roo's home. So good to see them! Monday I said goodbye to Drew, he headed to work and I spent the morning in Boston with Roo, Suzanne (Roo's mom) and the kids.
While we missed the kids, we had a fabulous time! We will not wait another 6 years to do this again!
8 years ago