Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gray's Big Day

On Sunday August 10, 2008. Gray Andrew Millar was blessed! Drew did a great job. It was amazing to have all our family together to help make this day perfect!Grandpa McAllister, Great Grandpa Heaps, Grandpa Millar, Gray and Drew, and uncles Jed, Beej and Ryan
During the blessing Mac made his way to the center of the circle and started pulling on Drew's pants crying," Mom, mom, Drew, drew...." He's the only 22 month old I know that calls his dad by his first name.
The proud parents
My mom and her parents
My Dad and his mom
Drew's mom and Gray

Maggie and Gray, Annie, Amy and Colin


Karrissa Winward said...

Yeah for Gray!! Ashlee,call me today so we can get together!!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

He is a really handsome baby Ash!

Jen said...

That's so funny. My nephew calls his dad "Nate" I actually don't think I've ever heard him say "Dad" Silliness.

Kristen said...

Cute baby, cute pictures! How fun to have all the family gathered for a special day. Congrats.

The Reynolds Family said...

Glad the blessing went so well. Can't wait to have you guys home!! Have a safe drive home!Gray has changed soooo dang much since you left! Can we please have a play day when you get home? You are looking great by the way!

Kate said...

Ok first things first, your little guys is so cute. Second, you are an annoyingly adorable mom...

Katie Blacker said...

How awesome to have everyone together. Can you believe you have two kids? I remember meeting you outside the duplex in P-town like it was yesterday. Wow, time flys.