This month has flown by. Tomorrow I start my last trimester! I feel like I have pregnant forever. I'm guessing it's becuase Drew spilled the beans when I was 7 weeks along or it might be that I feel like my body is falling apart. Everything hurts more and I'm still waiting for my energy to come back. Dont' get me wrong I think pregnancy is amazing but this one is testing my patients.
Last December in our tithing settlement the bishop asked us to make a personal goal, a goal for our family and a goal for just Drew and I. Our couple goal was for both of us to make it to the temple once a month. Sounds easy enough. Well, it's been harder than we thought but it's been such a blessing in our marriage. Our ward usually provides babysitting but with our schedules we havn't been able to take advantage of it as often as we hoped. So for the most part we have been going up and taking turns. I do an endowment session, while Drew watches the kids and then I watch the kids while Drew does intitories. With the hour and half commute one way, it makes for a long day but the kids enjoy spending time with us. Last time while Drew was in an endowement session I took the boys to Henry's Ark.
we went to Evans orchard for playgroup...
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