Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grandma Rita

I'm pretty lucky. I live hundreds of miles away from my family yet I get to see them pretty often. If I need them, they come to my rescue.

Drew's mom left yesterday. She was here for a week helping out. Cleaning, bearing gifts (amazing quilt on the chair), giving advice, but best of all someone to just be around. It was a breath of fresh air! Like I said, I'm pretty lucky!Dropping family off at the airport is always interesting, you never know how the boys will react. This time Mac did great- he repeatedly asked when the grandpas are coming and Gray kept asking grandma Rita if he could go with her.

Thanks Grandma Rita for coming out!


Roo said...

She is getting so big already! And dressed so cute.

Marissa said...

so cute!! Where did you get her adorable hair piece?

Rita said...

I'm sure it was better for me than for you! Thanks for the kind words and cute pictures!

Angela said...

Super cute! You'll have to come over for a playdate!