Saturday, November 24, 2012


Katie, beej, Emma, Ellie and baby brig came up from St. Louis, Wednesday, to spend Thanksgiving with us.

The kids have been looking forward to their visit all month.

Thanksgiving seemed so easy this year.We had the Powells over and they brought the turkey and desserts. Katie and I split the rest of the meal and the guys did the clean up. We were able to go on a long walk with the kids before lunch. When does that ever happen? The lunch itself was delicious and full of thanks. 

Annie was completely in love with Brigham and idolized Ellie- who is 8 months older than Annie but 5lbs liter:) Emma and Ellie got princess nightgowns and Annie cried for a "dress" of her own. Luckily Katie bought an extra one that was Annie's size. She LoVeS it and now has been introduced to princesses.

Friday we went to a gymnastic center so the kids could burn off some energy.

While the kids were napping beej and drew attempted to put the lights up on the house.

Gray cried and cried when we said good bye. For some reason he thought they were staying until Christmas. We were all sad to see them go. Thanks for coming wirigs!


katie and beej said...

Miss you guys already! Thanks for having us!!!!!!!

Aunt Amy said...

What a fun Thanksgiving! I'm glad Annie was introduced to being a princess. You thought you had your hands full before!

Love you and miss you all,

katie and beej said...

BJ would like to put up that he successfully put up the lights... not "attempted" :) ha ha!

Rita said...

Wish we could have been there! It's hard to be 2 places at once though...