Monday, November 26, 2012

The Blessing of the Hounds

Saturday morning we went to the Blessing of the Hounds. This was our second time going. The first time we went, we were late and missed the priest giving the blessing but were able to stay and watch the hunt. This time we made it in time for the blessing but because of the cold we weren't able to stay for the hunt. Shaker village is picturesque and then you throw in 50 beautifully manicured horses and riders dressed to perfection, it makes for a beautiful morning.

 They naturally stood youngest to oldest.

 The Wirigs- Little Brigham in his car-seat.

Annie walked around taking pictures of the horses..."Mere, Horsies! Cheese Horsies!"

And they're off to find the fox


Aunt Amy said...

One of these years, we're going to come join you. Looks like such fun!

Marissa said...

I had no idea this existed!!! I totally want to do this next year!! Great pictures too.

Annie said...

These pictures are to DIE FOR!! Pete and I discussed this weekend how sad we were that we were missing all the fun in Kentucky!

Looks like it was a blast. Maybe one day we will get our turn to come out and play with cousins.

Rita said...

What a fun day! and Thanksgiving weekend is a good time to do it. We'd love to come see it sometime!

Karrissa Winward said...

Ummm... I love your life!! The pictures loo like a magazine!