The fall is so great, the weather is perfect and TV gets good again. Ever since I had Mac I have watched more TV than I would like to admit. So to better myself I have limited myself to these four shows a week. I'll see how I stick to my plan.
I love to laugh and 30 Rock could possibly be the funniest show I have ever seen! I can't wait for it to start up again.
Of course The office is great. Can't wait to see what happens with Pam and Jim. The first couple of seasons of Greys were good but I'm not too sure if I'm going to like it this season. I might start watching Private practice instead. Greys got a little too dramatic for me last season. We'll see how it goes. But no matter what happens I will keep up on the music.
I'm not a huge fan of reality TV but I love this show. If you come over to our home on Tuesday night you will find me working out while watching the biggest loser. It's such a motivating show. I know I sound like a nerd.
8 years ago
I agree with you on the Grey's thing... I HATED the season finale. It was like everything they had built up during the season went down the drain... so I'm trying to talk myself out of watching it this year. Private Practice seems a little lighter. I think we're gonna go for that too!!
I love 30 Rock! Tina Fey is amazing!
"Hey 1985 called and they want your pager back!"
"Leo is a great physician and a good dentist too."
"What's your religion Miss Lemon?" "I pretty do whatever Oprah tells me to do."
"Once I set my mind on something I have to accomplish it.
10 years ago I was one and a half inch shorter than I am today. Pure will-power."
I am obsessed with The Office as well and I can't wait until January when 24 starts again. I think I am the only person in the world who has never seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy. I wonder if I should give in and watch it? Okay, I watch too much t.v. especially now that I DVR everything. I think it has made me watch more t.v.
Love The Office and watch Grey's Anatomy, but not religiously. Maybe I should give 30 Rock a shot. I think having kids makes you watch more tv at night because you can't leave the house and the kids are asleep, so it's one way to relax. Hope all is good!
Okay, I just love you even more now for that post. If we lived by each other we would definitely be tv buddies. We love 30 Rock too, and it seems like it's a hidden little treasure - which I love! And who can't love biggest loser. i was on the verge of tears when sweet ol' Gerry was 1st in everything. good.
I never turn on the TV so I have no idea what is even out there to watch. Thanks for the update. I have family members that can't miss an episode of The Office or 24. I may have to tune in this season.
The last show I watch all of was a season of The Bachelor years ago. Trey was a sunbeam and on Mother's Day they asked what their mom's favorite show was. He told them The Bachelor. It ended up printed in a booklet and passed out in Sacrament Meeting. I read his sentence and wished I could just simply disappear. Not my best moment!
I just can't believe it's already September and the new shows are coming on. Crazy!
Have a great weekend!
30 Rock is awesome, I don't think Andrea quite gets it. All the caracters make me giggle and I'm not sure why. Anytime Andrea gets a bump or anything I ask her if she has Avian Bone Syndrome.
That and Office, Scrubs, and Earl make NBC thursday the funniest it has been since Seinfeld and Friends
So I guess me and Luke will have to give 30 Rock a try. Jason and those guys got us to start watching Arrested Development, it is pretty funny. I don't think it is on any more though. I am way excited for the other shows though! did you know that my friend Britt's sister was on Biggest Loser last year, she got in the top three! Pretty cool!
I have no idea who Seth is... he wrote on there and he blocked it so I can't go to his blog. I will have to watch it I hope its not some creep!
So Angie Boyle wrote and said Seth was her, she was logged on his account, funny. I am glad it wasn't some weirdo looking at my blog. By the way me and luke are digging Paolo Nutini.
Funny! I feel little stupid now. My friend has had some creep on her blog so now I'm a little nervous about things. Tell ANgie Sorry.
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