Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Family Swim Day

This summer Mac and I spent numerous hours at the Lexington pools. They have been a life saver. I don't know what we would have done all those hot, humid days.

To my chagrin the pools closed yesterday. So we went one
last time Saturday. I love this pool. It has a pirate theme and Mac loves it too. We put Mac down the slide a couple of times, I don't know if he liked or not but he sure looked cute.

Mac playing on the alligator


Karrissa Winward said...

I hate that they close the pools down once school starts. There is still moms like us at home with kids not of school age. Our local pool closed yesterday too, bummer!!

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

What a fun pool! It looks like you guys had a great time. I'm sure you've heard that they closed all of the pools here to anyone under the age of 5, because of that crazy parasite. Enjoy it because we can't even swim here!

Cheryl said...

At first at thought you guys ventured to the Louisville Zoo and their new Splash Zone, but then realized it is the pool downtown. Whenever we pass it, they boys start hyperventilating. Looks like you had such a great time. What a perfect way to beat this crazy summer heat!

Jaimee Blood said...

You go Mac! Nothing like the pirate pool. I think Drew had more fun than Mac. Too bad Drew and Blaine never got to go to the Pirate pool together--that would be something to write about!So I finished Twillight and I'm onto the next book. So good. She makes the thought of turning into a vampire look like a pretty great deal. Thanks for lending them too me! We are sad too that the pool days are gone. Now what do I do with my kids? (or my "Idiots" as Drew would say.)