Today we went in to get our anatomy ultrasound but the baby did not cooperate. The whole time it was curled up in a ball. It was hard to get any of the measurements and most importantly we didn't get a good look at the one place. After pushing on my stomach and getting in different positions we got a glimpse of what could have been an umbilical cord or a boy part. The tech said, "I would say it's a boy but don't go home and paint the nursery blue." The good news is that the baby looks healthy and normal sized (a first). So now we are going back next month to get another ultrasound to make sure what we are having and to get the measurements that were missed.
8 years ago
Aww man that stinks! That happened to me too! Well at least all is well. Have you ever wanted to wait until you deliver?
Bummer!! At least you get to go in for another is always fun to see the little tyke! I'm glad it looks healthy though, that's always a relief.
Wohoo! Since they are so close that would be fun to have two little boys. You will have to update us next month! How are you feeling? Glad everything else looks good. How was the head measuring? :)
I don't think I could ever wait to find out what we were having. The sooner I can find out the better.
I feel great now. The baby moves a lot and I have so much energy. As for the baby. It's measuring normal and the head is normal! Mac at this stage was measuring weeks a head and his head was was measuring bigger than the rest. Good thing he's growing into it.
What a bummer, the little one doesn't realize how long you wait to find out what it is and then it gives you the cheek. :)
I guess that means I can't start making those blankets quite yet, which is ok cause i don't have much spare time these days. But I'm so excited for you guys.
I'm going with a girl...even though they said boy. Girls are always modest and don't want to show you the goods ... unlike boys! I hope the little one cooperates next time around.
haha what katie said is funny...but that's cool..good luck next time
Two boys would be so fun! And we know fun and boys!
Shucks! That isn't how it was supposed to play out. I am very happy that things look great, but hope the next month flies by for you!
This is Hannah Porter (andersen). I just ran across your blog from Ashley King's...what's up? Your little boy is adorable! And you're in Kentucky?! I had no idea!That's where I lived until High School. What part are you in? Do you like it there? I think it's beautiful!
That is so exciting, a new little boy or girl to add to your family. I'm still trying to catch up with you. I wanted your opinion on this line of cards and art work. If you would go to Tell me what you really think i trust your opinion let me know.
So.... what do you want though? (Minus the 'sunday school' answer of a nice, healthy baby.) A boy or a girl? I'm glad that all is going well for you and the family. I'm sorry I missed you guys at Christmas time! :-(
Really I would be happy with either. IT would be nice to have girl so we could have one of each and who doesnt' love all the girlie things, but a boy would be fun because Mac and the baby wil be so close in age and we have all the boy stuff already so really we would be hapy either.
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