Yes it's 11:55 am Sunday morning and I'm not at church. Why you ask? well lets see. I woke Mac up this morning at 8:20am (6:20 Utah time) got him dressed before he was fully awake. Fed him breakfast in the car. Made it to church 10 minutes early. Walk through the door and Mac sees Drew and flips. So Drew took him up to the stand and then Mac started crying for me. Drew brought him back but that didn't fix it; he wanted both me and Drew. Cute, but totally annoying. He was spoiled this past month to have us and the whole family at his beckon call.
Anyway, I handed Gray off to a ward member and took Mac outside cause he was yelling now. Then Gray started crying. So I pulled Mac inside the mother's lounge where he continued to cry and yell for Drew while I fed Gray. He settled down so we made our way back to the chapel. He did great the last half hour but then he saw Drew and once again started crying.
To make a long story short both Drew and I sat with Mac in nursery second hour. When either one of us stood up he started crying. When anyone besides Drew or I held Gray he started crying. So when Drew got up to do interviews Mac lost it. From 11:00 until now he screamed. So I left church and went home. Yes, it's true I gave up.
Where have those peaceful Sundays gone; where I could fulfill my church duties and enjoy my Sunday meetings?
8 years ago
Oh, Ashlee... I don't blame you a bit. I would have gone home too, and that has got to be SO frustrating. Even with Joselyn it's been tough because it's during her nap time and she gets REALLY cranky. I don't even know what I'm going to do with 2... but what you're doing is right. Motherhood is such an important thing to be doing, and any leader of the church should understand that that's what comes first. It's not always what we WANT to come first because we would rather not have to deal with our kids sometimes, but I know Heavenly Father is SO PROUD of what you are doing. It may not seem like it now but you will receive so many blessings for the sacrifices you make and the support you give your husband for being in the bishopric. Heavenly Father obviously has a lot of trust and faith in what your family can do. So don't feel bad... I don't think anyone in the ward has anything but admiration for you!!
Oh Ashlee, I am very sorry that is so hard. I understand your pain today was my first Sunday alone with the boys since Eric left for DC last week and it was pretty much awful too. I will think of you every week when I am struggling with my two as well. Hopefully it will get better for you once you get back into a routine. Fun, fun trip though I LOVE the olympic idea, that's is one fun family!
I am proud of you for staying so long! That is very Sweet that he wanted your whole family together. THat shows that you are doing your job as parents. Wish I was there to help you but I am sure that Mom and Dad Krebs would be more that willing to help.(That is once Mac can part with you:)
Good Luck.You will be blessed.
I was talking to Jon just the other day about random stuff and I mentioned how I thought it would be so hard to have a husband in the bishopric with small children. I HATE it when Jon is on call and I have to do sacrament meeting by myself - let alone do it EVERY Sunday. I couldn't survive without primary and nursery!!! :-)
Thanks for being honest at least... it makes the rest of us feel better :) It's totally understandable. I'm surprised you held out as long as you did. THe time adjustment doesn't help any either! Good luck next week.
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