Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Baby number 4

This baby Boy has already taught us a lot about life. He has taught us more about patience, love, hope and faith. We have been praying for this little guy and when I got pregnant we've had a few scares that again turned us to prayer and our faith. I'm grateful for this little baby, he's  brought drew and I closer to eachother and to our Heavenly Father. We can't wait to welcome him to our family in November! 

When we told the kids that the baby was a boy, the boys were excited and Annie started crying "but I told you I wanted a sister!" Me and Annie were positive it was a girl. This pregnancy has by far been my hardest. I was sick and sooo tired all the time! I could have slept all day and still feel like I could use more sleep. Now that I'm 20 weeks, I'm feeling better and almost back to my normal self. Pregnancy is a sacrafice for the whole family but totally worth it! 


Annie said...

So excited for you and glad everything is ok! Annie will just retain her princess status in the family!

Amber said...

How exciting! Congratulations! Another Millar boy is just what this world needs!