Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Badmitten on a Sunday evening. 
Memorial Day bike ride on Legacy trail. Drew pulled Annie in the tag along bike and the boys did awesome! Who knew they could bike 7 miles! 

Lunch with friends at Wallace station. 
Boys playing Pokemon cards with Joseph. 

The last day if school I went to macs class presentation. He and a couple students wrote a play. He did awesome! 
Finally!!! The last day of school! 
Annie walking into the library. Mac says "mom, I know why Annie likes wearing her princess shoes, they make her feel like a woman!" Oh boy and I think he's right. 
This is Annie's "who likes Costco?! I do!!!" Face. 
Mac was running around the house and slipped on the tile and hit his head on the entry table. He doesn't do well with blood at all. We called uncle Jed and decided to just clean it up and let it heal. When i was washing out the cut Mac kept saying "I can be brave, I can be brave" over and over again between sobs. When i finished he said " make sure you thank uncle Jed." He really is the sweetest boy. 
G's tball team dinner 
At the Chukdrens garden 
G's last games they came in second. It was a long but fun season! 


Annie said...

I feel like all the kids (especially Mac) are growing up right under my nose! How does that just happen all the sudden? I am proud of Mac for being so brave and laughing at Annie in that Wallace station picture. I can just hear Annie shouting "who likes costco?" too!